School of Biblical Study

 Greetings from Pek's

We hope you had a wonderful week!

We are doing fine here. As we got denied from DBS that we applied for 3 months ago. It was somehow, giving us a few days of hard, as you knew that we were ready to join the school, but we thankfully to God for everything.

Lucky for us, in some ways God opened the door for us to study at SBS in Battambang. We are amazed at how God was leading us through this time. It was just last week Tuesday, we put our applications through and we got an interview 2 days later with the SBS school leader and we passed the interview. So here are studying SBS 2023/24.

What happened in the last 2 weeks, has clearly shown us that we can make our plans for things/where we want to go/be but at the final minute, it will be only God who knows what is best for us and we are grateful to our obedient that brought us to the right place and in the right time. W

e will never forget what happened in the past weeks and how faithful our God is in guiding us through the most challenging time that we have never ever been through in the last 7 years in missions as a couple. Praise to our God and to the people that helped us in the time that we needed the most. Thank you so much

Dear: family/friends

Update (About us/SBS)

We are doing alright and we are still adjusting to the new place, most likely readjusting our schedules with school/campus chores. SBS here costs $1650.00/person to study (including housing, and food) for these 9 months (July 03rd 2023-March 20th 2024. The school let us pay a quarter of $550.00/person. We must pay for the 1 quarter before July 20th, 2023 ($550.00 + $550.00 = $1100.00). Please pray and consider being part of helping us with the school fees.

Pray requests:

- please pray for us to get the most in studying.

- pray that we will able make new friends and hunger hearts to pray for people.

- please pray for the Holy Spirit to be our guide during our time here.

- please pray for the financial need that we have and pray that we can bless others as well with what we have.

- please pray for us to have good health.

- please pray that we will have a new experience in leadership through this SBS.

- please pray for the joy of the Lord to cover us to remain happy and shine with His love to others.

- please pray for wisdom and strength in learning with new styles.

We are thankful for this season and the new chapter that we are in. We are happy about it and ready to see what God brings us.

Please feel free to message/call us to see how are we doing! We would appreciate it so much. Love you!


