Sreynoch's vision and calling for "Salon courses"

Into Salon courses

Hello my dearest brothers and sisters,

I hope you are doing alright,

I’m Sreynoch Pheng, I am Cambodian, this year I’m 25 years old. I grew up as an orphan child, my aunt raised me up as her own. I got married in 2017. At the present we are serving in Ywam Siem Reap.


 The point that I wanted to share with you is, relating to the calling that I have received 5 years ago. It is also the vision that God has revealed to me in this year (2020). The vision is, to reach out to the persecution women here in my country. At this point, God has shown me a vision through salon shop. It is the easiest way to reach out to them affectively, and also a good strategy for making God known to them through salon shop, also teach them the skills for salon, so they can make some income for their family. Especially, for those women who work in KTV. As we can teach and share this skill to them, in this case they can change their career and make God known to them.

I deeply feel this compassion and the vision that God has for me, I am honored in this act to give God glory.

Therefore, me alone, I cannot make it happen easy by myself. I’ve got nothing right now, and I really do need your prays. 

I’ve planned to enroll at salon school on 01st August 2020 in Siem Reap, which is next month starting from now.

I will need $350 for school fee. Join me with the prayer or any contributes, with little or much it will be a part in helping me, and it will be a big blessing for me.

May the Lord bless you, thanks a lot for praying for me and stand by me


                                                                                                        Sreynoch Pheng

if you feel touched with our vision and the works we do, we are happy to ask you to be part in this journey with us and also with comments and encouragement!

for donating or offering info please click here

