2019 YEAR END update

2019 YEAR END update

Hoping you are doing great with your works.
I am exciting to share with you. And thank you for prayed for us!
For us, 2019 was another great year to serve the Lord in Cambodia.
We thank to God for every provision, guidance and for every works that we did.
We are looking forward to serve the Lord in YWAM Siemreab.

below are the photos that summarize about the activities that we helped and involved  with the churches, ministry, community night, home fellowship, worship, sharing, health care, teach English... in 2019.

Kakcekam Ministry
In this village, we have around 25 children attending our school. On the week, we teach them English and we provide them lunch. We led this ministry since 2017. We could see that God is working through our lives to reach this people and the community that we in. On Sunday we have church with this children and our neighbours there.
We usually do hygiene lessons on every Friday, nails clapping, hair washing, gardening, practice dances... 


We have 3 churches in three villages start at 9:00-10:30 am, and the centre church start at 4:00-6:00 pm every week. 

Churches / Community Night

We helped and serve in the churches on every Sunday. Sreynoch is helping with leading the worship, me often I help with translation and sharing and help to bring children and bring them back after finishing the service. 

Home Fellowship

On every Tuesday, we have home visit to our church members. That's such a wonderful time for us to spare, just to see and know how everyone doing during the week. Most of the time, we pray together and take time to share testimony, speak encouragement to one anothers. 

Prayer requests:

1. Pray for supporters as we in needed.
2. Pray for the transition as we will be ending the commitment with
          Light to the nations in 02nd February 2020
          (the place we served since 18th April 2016).

3. Pray for me and my Sreynoch, as I am going to do a DTS and Sreynoch will be staffing. The school will start in 02nd February 2019. Please help us to pray for the provision that we need, we trust in God. Pray for our health, that Sreynoch will be healed from the pains, cause sometime she get pain, thanks. 

4. Please help praying and giving as we needed​ in every month ( to spent for renting the room, foods, transportations, etc)

5. Help me pray for my DTS fees and Sreynoch's staff fees.

Lastly, we thank you so much for your time reading and spent time pray for us. Would you considering in bless us in one-time gift or monthly support, every little that that you give would be a big help to our lives in serving the Lord here in Siemreab, Cambodia. Blessing!


Want to know more about our lives and works
(what are we doing and what are we up to), let us know at :
Whatsapp : +85570529709

We wish and pray for you the best of luck!
A great 2020 in every work that you do!
God bless you more!
until next update,

We are honor and grateful for serving in the whole year of 2019!
Blessings to all our brothers and sisters in Christ!

May 2020, be the year full of joy and provisions!

Giving method:

Click link below:

