Update Sep 2022




Dear friends,

I hope this update finds you well?


We are doing well here and we hope that you are well. We are grateful for your help. Since the last update, thing got changed a little as they are listed below. Please enjoy the update!




About admin, things are well, except that at a government department, they lost our document so I will need to collect or try to find the document and then submit it again, that was 3 months of working. Now I need to start again. God is faithful and He is strengthening me, without His wisdom, it will be hard for me. I also pray that God will send somebody to help me with this area. All work for His glory.



For the Bible study at the restaurant, this month we don’t have it because the owner got an accident and she needed to go to South Korea for treatment. So for this month, we postpone it for a while. But I pray that God continues to speak and reveal Jesus to their heart and practice all they have learned in daily life. And we are still in contact by phone.   



About the cell group, in the village, they are doing good. This month I didn’t have the opportunity to go there because it rains most of the time and the road to go to the village is hard to drive through. Although I still pray for God to provide me a better motor or a car, it helps me travel there much easier. Please pray with me in this area. May the Gospel keep spreading to the people that haven’t heard. Thank God for this opportunity I got to bring His Words to the village.



The ministry is doing pretty good, just that I haven’t received funds to build a place for teaching and fellowship. I really thank Malu, because of her vitamin project so that the village looks more alive people can hear about Jesus and His Words through teaching English, the kid church, and the vitamin project. I still pray that God is going to do miracles through the works that we do in this village. May His Kingdom come! 



For the shop, we are still praying for it. Praise God that we got the mirror but there are things that are needed, in order to run the salon shop. We praise God for this purpose that He put in Sreynoch’s heart. We pray that great things are to come through this work and that many souls will be saved through this salon shop. Please pray that this shop will be a glory in Jesus's name!




SLC_O is a “Strategic Leadership course”. This course is online and it is being taught by YWAM in New Zealand. I felt led to do these 3 months of studying, to help to see and contain my vision of serving the Lord. It started 3 weeks already. I really that God for this opportunity to learn and meet with different nationalities. Praise God.


Bible Course for “Senior Pastor” :

Bible Course for senior pastors is to “To learn-equip-preach-interpret” as a full-time pastor. This is a 3 years course and it contains 10 books for a student to study about and for its certificate is international acceptance. Honestly this year, God has put many things in my heart to pursue His calling in my life as a servant to Him. I, personally have realized that I need to get equipped more with His Words by taking courses and fellowship among the fellows who are working along with me. I felt so much more encouraged and bolder to study in this course. May the Holy Spirit bless me with His wisdom.



1. Please pray for me about making the right decision. UofN SR approached me this month and ask me to step up to take a role that will oversee the base but not as the director. So I have been praying and listening to God for the decision to make.

2. Please for all the ministries that I involve that there will be more doors to be open and more believers to believe in Jesus. I am grateful for the work and ministry that God put me to serve Him.

3. Please pray that my heart and mind will stand firm and fixed to focus on God when there are challenges that come my way. I am thankful for all the pasts years that God was so faithful in leading me in the right direction and I thank you to the people that invest in my life.

4. Lastly, please for the provisions for my monthly needs (such as transportation, food and etc)

We appreciate your time in reading the updates. I hope you feel blessed by reading it. I could continue to serve wholeheartedly and I don’t need to worry about other things. I and Sreynoch, pray for you and your company and your employees that God is going to bless you more and protect you. May God continue to make your works grow abundantly in all areas.



Pheakey & Sreynoch
