Pray for supporter (1st & 2nd quarter 2021)

 Financial Letter Newsletter

Greeting from Cambodia,                                                              

I hope you are doing well in this season.

I prayed for you, stay strong and have courage in the works as well as spiritual in serving the Lord.

We praise God for all the things that He has done in our lives and His grace in the works that we do!

I am writing this letter for two reasons. First, I felt want to check on you. How were you doing, lately? For sure during this kind of pandemic season, it makes us inconvenient for works, our daily lives. But the Lord still stays in control. Second, recently I had a problem, lacking the finances. It had been quite hard, especially during this pandemic season. But the Lord is great, His grace is always covered my life. I took a lot of time to check on myself, to make sure that I don’t do things that are unpleasant to the Lord, and don’t offend anyone in spirit or in a person. It checked out that I haven’t done those things. The fact is I need to ask people to help me with the finances. For these reasons, it’s giving the boldness to write this letter to you, I hope that you are touched by it.

When it comes to the part with money, I always feel shy to talk it out. Through this time, I’ve learned that we deserve to ask for help from people in the works that we do. So, I have the courage to ask you to pray for me for this lacking financial issue in my life, and if you haven’t help me with the finances. I would like to ask “would you like to pray and consider helping me financially, your help will be helping a lot of people and in those works that I am currently doing.

Lastly, thanks for your time and attention in reading this letter. May the Lord help you and bless you every moment!

Our Prayer Requests:

·         Sreynoch preparation for a salon shop (she’s planning to open on February 2022).

·         Strength, health, more hunger and thirst that never cease.

·         Revelation from the Lord for our steps in serving Him.

Warm regards,

PEK’s family
