Taking Serious

I have privileged and happy to share our goal with you!

Hi, I hope you’re doing well during this pandemic season.

Down here are our goals onward ,


I want to see this generation believe in Jesus and stand up to bring the gospel to every house and nations. And there are churches in every village, and I believe that God would make Cambodia a Christian nations in the future.

What we do

I am now helping with administration in UofN Siem Reap (YWAM Siem Reap). Therefore, in this season, my wife is studying salon major. This is for future need as she felt lead to reach out to the women who are working in the bar or KTV.

Intended result

I want to see Cambodian have a better family, the younger generation have well education, skills, right mindset and reach their potential in chasing their dream work in the future.

Cost/Prayer point

-          I need $250/month

-          Pray for protection

-          Pray for my wife and her time in salon class


I invite you to participate in this mission with me through prayer or financial support. So can work full-time and fully focusing in working on this.


Best regard,

Pheakdey’s family
